Burn up the field with this control deck.
Use search cards like Striker and Buggy to gather removal Event cards, and rapidly K.O. opponent characters. Pairing this with power-reducing cards makes the removal even stronger. Get the 7 cost Portgas D. Ace and 5 cost Marco in play and go on the attack.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This deck employs 4 searching cards: "OP03-020 Striker," "OP03-008 Buggy," "OP03-003 Izou" and "OP02-022 Whitebeard Pirates."
Start by using these cards to gather important Events and Characters, readying you for your opponent's Characters.
It's important to search for cards that match your opponent, such as Fire Fist for those with many characters, or Flame Emperor for strong characters.
Go from Izou to Striker, or from Whitebeard Pirates to Izou, moving from search card to search card to improve the likelihood of obtaining the cards you want.
Mid Game
As you get Characters with 5000 to 6000 power in play, the real battle begins. Use the removal Events added to your hand earlier to get rid of opponent Characters.
"OP03-013 Marco," which lets you play your own Characters while removing your opponent's, is very handy, so try to put him in play as soon as you can.
Marco's effects on removal are powerful, hampering your opponent. Remember that even if you can't play him with the right timing to make use of his On Play effect, him just being in play puts pressure on your opponent.
End Game
Use Events to K.O. your opponent's strong Characters, then try to use Characters with Rush and the Leader's attacks to deplete their life.
"OP03-016 Flame Emperor" alone can K.O. a character with up to 8000 power, and "OP02-013 Portgas D. Ace" and "OP03-017 Cross Fire," etc. can be used to reduce power, letting you K.O. strong Characters with low-cost Events.
The Leader effect of "OP03-001 Portgas D. Ace" changes unneeded Events and Stages into the Leader's power. You can expend cards you won't need anymore in the game to build it up. When it seems like you can make the final push, discard all of the Event cards in your hand to power him up to lethal strength.