RECOMMENDED DECKS(Green/Purple) Donquixote Doflamingo
A deck making use of many Counter Events to get the most out of Doflamingo's Leader effect. It's better than average at dealing with attacks from strong characters, giving you the defense to endure strong attacks. Conversely, it's not as strong against repeated smaller attacks, which it deals with using green's selection of mid-size Blockers. Fight it out with tough defense.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
As a counter-focused deck, it doesn't attack aggressively in the early game.
Make low-cost plays and build your hand with "OP04-036 Donquixote Family," preparing for the mid-game.
The Leader effect of "OP04-019 Donquixote Doflamingo"lets you set 2 of your DON!! cards to active each turn, so if you keep Counter cards ready in your hand, it'll boost your freedom of play.
As the deck has few Counter +2000 cards, you'll need to use some Counter Events against weaker attacks.
Mid Game
Mid-size Blockers are an important element that help increase the flexibility of this deck, which tends to move predictably with Counters.
Ideally, use Blockers to defend against attacks around 5000 or 6000, and use Counter Events against stronger attacks or when your Blockers are rested.
While blocking attacks with Blockers, using "OP01-057 Paradise Waterfall" or "OP04-035 Spiderweb" will let you immediately set your Blockers back to active.
It's an important technique letting you halt attacks and prepare your Blockers again.
End Game
Add a strong finisher to your array of tough Blockers, and put pressure on the opponent.
A strength of "OP04-019 Donquixote Doflamingo" is that even if you use up all your DON!! cards playing Characters, the Leader effect has you covered.
"OP04-024 Sugar" is powerful just being played to affect the field, but can be extremely strong if played the turn just prior to playing "OP04-031 Donquixote Doflamingo."
Because it forcibly rests the opponent's Characters, when they try to play a powerful Character, "OP04-031 Donquixote Doflamingo" can get in their way.