Although the Leader Rebecca can't attack, her removal and draw abilities are extremely potent. The combination allowing you to attack active Characters with Corrida Coliseum will let you gain field control, pushing through while maintaining superiority with this solid deck.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Begin by using the Leader effect of "OP04-039 Rebecca" and the [On Play] effect of "OP04-092 Rebecca" to search for key cards.
The most essential priorities are "OP04-096 Corrida Coliseum" and "OP04-082 Kyros."
Both are powerful cards that overcome the disadvantage of the non-attacking Leader, making the issue of whether you can get them in play quickly important.
The Leader effect allowing you to draw 1 card every turn for 1 cost is very powerful, but can only be used with 6 cards or less in your hand.
Use counters aggressively from the early game to regulate your hand size, making the most of the card advantage from the Leader effect.
Mid Game
Use effects like those of "OP04-081 Cavendish" and "OP03-047 Zeff" to interfere with opposing Characters to lock down the field.
If you have "OP04-096 Corrida Coliseum" in play, you'll be able to use the [When Attacking] effect of Cavendish or other Characters smoothly.
The cards used by this deck in the endgame activate effects using the number of cards in your trash.
"OP03-047 Zeff" has great compatibility in that it interferes with the field while increasing the number of cards in your trash.
End Game
To finish the game, use "OP04-090 Monkey.D.Luffy" to sweep the field.
Its [Activate: Main] effect setting itself to active is super-powerful for attacks against Characters or Leaders.
Since Rebecca can't attack Leaders, she doesn't excel at reducing the opponent's Life, but if you can realize the 2-shot combo with Double Attack from "OP04-093 Gum-Gum King Kong Gun," it'll make a major dent in the opponent's life.
"OP04-083 Sabo" gives cards to your hand while protecting your Characters from removal. If you play low-cost Blockers like "OP04-089 Bartolomeo" at the same time, you can build a very reliable wall.
When the previously field-sweeping OP04-090 Monkey.D.Luffy is properly protected by "OP04-083 Sabo," you've almost won.