"Plague Rounds" can be used for just 2 cost to remove the opponent's cost 4 or less Characters, and to play Ice Oni to put pressure on opposing Characters.
The synergy between these 2 cards allows you to push back against the opponent's Characters in the mid-game, transitioning to your finisher which bounces large Characters back.
Once your high-cost finisher is in play, you can use the Leader effect to recover Life, chaining strong moves to dominate the field.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
First, work to align the combo that makes up the deck's mechanism with Plague Rounds and Ice Oni.
You can use "OP04-046 Queen! or "OP04-051 Who's.Who" to search for both.
However, against some opponents, removal of cost 4 to 5 Characters may not be very relevant. Against extremely high-cost decks, you may do better searching for "OP04-044 Kaido" and Counter +2000 characters.
"OP04-043 Ulti" can send low-cost opponent characters to the bottom of the deck, and also return your Characters to your hand.
Keep in mind that you can return "OP04-051 Who's.Who" to repeatedly search for other cards.
Mid Game
Use "OP04-055 Plague Rounds" to remove the opponent's Characters, or play mid-cost Characters like "OP04-054 Rokki" in the mid-game.
The "OP04-047 Ice Oni" played with its effect can be used to shut down attacks from Characters of cost 5 or lower, and achieve synergy with the Leader effect.
Obstruct the opponent's movements, biding time until high-cost Characters can be played in the endgame.
If the opponent plays high-cost Characters as a way to get around "OP04-055 Plague Rounds," they'll take a major hit from "OP01-070 Dracule Mihawk" or "OP04-044 Kaido." 1 or 2 of these should be played as a precaution against high-cost cards.
End Game
In the endgame, control the field with powerful Characters.
Near the end of the game when you've depleted your hand, if "OP04-047 Ice Oni" or "OP01-070 Dracule Mihawk" are in play, the Leader effect can be used to recover Life.
Counter appropriately to reduce cards, ideally bringing the total cards in your Life and hand to 4 or less.
If you have "OP01-073 Donquixote Doflamingo" when you use the Leader effect to restore Life, you can insert specific cards into your Life.
The durable "OP04-104 Sanji" and "OP04-100 Capone"Gang"Bege" are good choices for this.