Black's specialty of KO effects makes your Leader stronger, letting your sweep the field and attack your opponent's Life with its high power. If you can defeat multiple Characters with Shanks, your Leader will get a massive boost! By using a range of cards to decrease cost, aim to clear the field, including mid-size Characters.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The foundation of this black deck is combining cost-reducing cards and cards that KO opponent Characters.
Begin by gathering the cards you need for this. "OP03-089 Brannew," which lets you search for Navy cards, and "OP02-096 Kuzan" with its draw effect, can be played.
If you place "ST08-002 Uta" and "ST08-004 Koby" in play in advance, you can activate them with your preferred timing.
They're great for KO'ing high-cost cards together, but when facing red decks strong at taking out low-cost Characters, you could hang onto them in your hand.
Mid Game
Use KO effects to control the field. While KO'ing opponent characters with cards like "OP02-098 Koby" and "OP02-099 Sakazuki," try to keep your own Characters in play.
When you KO characters, activate your Leader effect. You can add DON!! cards to your Leader not just with KO's from effects, but also from battle.
If you're able to, you can play "OP03-078 Issho" and "ST06-005 Sengoku" with this timing.
They'll make it easier to connect into "ST08-005 Shanks" and "OP02-121 Kuzan."
End Game
Play your major finishers. If you can KO opponent Characters with "ST08-005 Shanks" and "OP02-121 Kuzan," you'll gain considerable ground.
Removal capabilities after playing "OP02-121 Kuzan" will put on further pressure, and then "ST08-005 Shanks" can be played to KO all opponent Characters with costs of 6 or lower.