RECOMMENDED DECKS(Blue/Purple) Vinsmoke Reiju
This Blue/Purple Reiju dek is structured around <GERMA 66>. Although you lose DON!!, this all-rounder combo deck lets you make use of a range of Vinsmoke Characters that transform from low to high-cost, as you use the Leader effect to supplement your hand.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Characters with the <GERMA 66> type can play Characters of the same name from your hand or trash, breaking through the cost.
Begin by readying the cards for transformation in your hand or trash, and at the start of the game make use of methods for card exchange, and drawing, as with "OP06-078 GERMA 66."
"OP06-079 Kingdom of GERMA" lets you seek out necessary cards and place the characters you'll transform into in the trash for high-end hand manipulation.
Put the highest priority on playing this card first.
Mid Game
If you can ready Characters with the same name, it's your chance to play powerful Characters between 2 and 4 cost.
Transform into "OP06-061 Vinsmoke Ichiji" and "OP06-065 Vinsmoke Niji" to exert high power while dealing with opponent Characters, and also using the Leader effect to draw.
Although it requires the conditions of having DON!! Cards less or equal to your opponent and 5 cards or less in your hand, the "OP06-069 Vinsmoke Reiju" 2-card draw is formidable. Use Counters to expend the cards you wish to transform into and reduce your hand. Especially if your opponent uses purple cards, take care not to build up more DON!! cards than them!
End Game
By the time you've made your plays and gotten 8 DON!! cards, you ought to have the pre and post-transformation Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Reiji in your trash.
If you use "OP06-062 Vinsmoke Judge" in response to having your Characters K.O.'d, you can play all your GERMA 66 Characters at once.
One strength of the deck is that even if you have trouble gathering Characters of the same name, you can still use the Leader effect to add to your hand.
When "ST04-005 Queen" is paired with your Leader, you can draw 3 cards to assemble what you need for transformation, making good use of the discarded trasformation cards.