This "Lim" deck is filled with {ODYSSEY} Characters from across the ONE PIECE series. While your Character cards will enter play rested, you'll be able to play them more frequently, and your {ODYSSEY} Characters will only get stronger thanks to the presence of rested Characters.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The powerful [Activate: Main] effect of the Leader card "OP09-022 Lim" allows you to add DON!! cards from your DON!! deck to play Characters, with the drawback that you have to play Characters rested.
Try to bring out multiple {ODYSSEY} Characters such as such as "OP09-031 Donquixote Doflamingo", whose effects activate when you have rested Characters.
"OP09-037 Lim" is a powerful Character that allows you to search for {ODYSSEY} type cards while also protecting herself with her [End of Your Turn] effect.
Focus on using Counters in your hand to keep the number of Characters you have above 3.
Mid Game
Once you have assembled enough Characters by using your Leader's [Activate: Main] effect, the effects of your {ODYSSEY} Characters will activate one after the other.
Use "OP09-035 Portgas.D.Ace" to rest your opponent's Characters, then attack with "OP09-027 Sabo" to replenish your hand.
"OP09-028 Sanji" is a resilient {ODYSSEY} Character whose [On K.O.] effect allows you to play Characters.
This makes him a difficult Character for your opponent to deal with even when rested, allowing you to maintain the amount of Characters you have.
End Game
Use the DON!! cards you've accumulated with your Leader effect to play high-cost Characters before your opponent.
In particular, "OP09-023 Adio" can set up to 3 of your DON!! cards as active with its [On Play] effect, enabling you to use your Leader effect to play even more Characters.
With this deck, even the powerful finisher "OP06-118 Roronoa Zoro" will be played rested.
Play it before your opponent can build up their DON!! cards, and aim to make it to the next turn without it being K.O.'d.