RECOMMENDED DECKS(Green/Yellow) Trafalgar Law
A deck featuring the new green/yellow "Trafalgar Law" that focuses on swapping your Life cards with Character cards on your field. Prepare powerful 5-cost {Supernovas} Characters in your Life cards so you can aim to deploy them all at once, ignoring their cost.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
To make the most of your Leader "OP10-22 Trafalgar Law", you'll need both a way to add cards to your Life cards and a stock of 5-cost {Supernovas} cards ready to be placed there.
Start by searching for {Supernovas} cards using "OP10-111 Monkey.D.Luffy" or "ST02-007 Jewelry Bonney" and focus on assembling essential cards, such as "OP10-103 Capone"Gang"Bege".
Returning "OP10-111 Monkey.D.Luffy" to your hand using your Leader effect will allow you to draw cards multiple times.
Make the most of your ability to redraw your starting hand, and continue to search for {Supernovas} cards.
Mid Game
Prepare by lining up several low-cost Characters, then when the total cost of your Characters reaches 5 or more, activate the effect of "OP10-022 Trafalgar Law"!
Aim to unleash a combo lets you deploy all the powerful {Supernovas} Characters placed in your Life cards at once.
If you can play "EB01-012 Cavendish" and "OP01-047 Trafalgar Law" from your Life cards, you will be able to instantly replay any low-cost Characters you returned to your hand.
Use these replayed Characters to set up another combo, enabling you to activate their effects every turn.
End Game
Using your Leader effect to play Character cards from your Life cards will naturally cause your Life cards to decrease.
"OP10-119 Trafalgar Law" is an ideal finisher that you can use to both replenish your Life cards and trigger your Leader effect more.
If you can play "ST02-009 Trafalgar Law" from your Life cards, you'll be able to attack twice without paying the usual cost.
Set one of your {Supernovas} Characters with a large amount of DON!! cards as active, and deliver the decisive blow to your opponent.