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March 14, 2025
Use your command of the Observation Haki to see right through your opponent's moves with this purple Katakuri deck!


This deck introduces newly added purple {Big Mom Pirates} cards, which gain various benefits when you correctly predict the top card of your opponent's deck. Its Leader, "Charlotte Katakuri", lets you see which card your opponent will draw next, allowing for some unexpectedly deft plays for a mono-purple deck.


Card List

Products Used in This Deck

Deck Breakdown

Early Game

The [When Attacking]/[On Your Opponent's Attack] effects of "OP11-062 Charlotte Katakuri" allow you to rest 1 DON!! card to both check the top card of your opponent's deck and give your Leader +1000 power in battle.
This not only gives you insight into your opponent's next draw, but also lets you take advantage of that knowledge by combining it with {Big Mom Pirates} Characters that have effects based on the top card of your opponent's deck.
Start off by using "OP11-070 Charlotte Pudding" to assemble an array of {Big Mom Pirates} Characters in your hand.

  • OP11-062
  • OP11-070
  • OP08-067

Using your DON!!−1 Leader effect early in the game will cause you to fall behind you opponent in DON!! cards.
"OP08-067 Charlotte Pudding" is a crucial card for this deck, as it helps replenish the DON!! cards reduced by your Leader's [When Attacking] effect.
Ideally, you'll want a starting hand that lets you play this card early in the game.

Mid Game

Once you've used your Leader effect to look at the card at the top of your opponent's deck, it's time to put the [Activate: Main] effects of "OP11-066 Charlotte Oven" and "OP11-071 Charlotte Perospero" to use.
Use them to K.O. low-cost Characters, cycle your hand, and add DON!! cards from your DON!! deck.
Having multiple copies of these Characters on the field will make it even easier to ramp up your DON!! cards.

  • OP11-066
  • OP11-071
  • OP11-077

If possible, aim to have multiple copies of "OP08-067 Charlotte Pudding", "OP11-066 Charlotte Oven", and "OP11-071 Charlotte Perospero" on your field.
If you spot a removal card in your opponent's deck ahead of time, use your Leader's [When Attacking] effect in combination with "OP11-077 Randolph" to raise the cost of your Characters to protect them.

End Game

Once you have a sufficient number of DON!! cards, it's time to start playing high-cost Characters.
"OP11-067 Charlotte Katakuri" can also set itself to active again with its [End of Your Turn] effect, allowing it to both attack and activate [Blocker].
If your opponent has 8 DON!! cards, you can play "OP08-062 Charlotte Katakuri" to help set up 2 copies of "OP11-067 Charlotte Katakuri" at once for an overwhelming boost to both offense and defense.

  • OP08-062
  • OP11-067
  • OP11-073

"OP11-073 Charlotte Linlin" is a powerful card boasting both [Rush] and 12000 power!
Furthermore, you can use the [On Your Opponent's Attack] effect of both your Leader and "OP11-073 Charlotte Linlin" to give your Leader +2000 power during that turn.
By protecting your Leader while delivering powerful attacks, you should be able to maintain your offensive momentum while fending off your opponent's counterattacks.