RECOMMENDED DECKS(Green/Yellow) Shirahoshi
This deck's Leader, "Shirahoshi", has a powerful effect that lets you play {Neptunian} Characters for just 1 cost, allowing you to fill the field with 7000 and 8000 power Characters one after another—more than making up for the Leader's inability to attack.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Your Leader, "OP11-022 Shirahoshi", has a powerful [Activate: Main] effect that allows you to play {Neptunian} type Characters for only 1 DON!! card by turning the face-down card at the top of your Life cards face-up.
Start by getting "OP11-030 Shirahoshi" on the field as soon as possible so you can begin building up a stock of {Neptunian} type cards in your hand.
"OP11-036 Spotted Neptunian" is a {Neptunian} Character with an extremely useful ability to search for other {Neptunian} cards.
Once you have 4 or more DON!! cards, be proactive in using your Leader effect to play it as soon as possible.
Mid Game
By the midgame, you should have enough DON!! cards to start using your Leader effect to flood the field with high-power {Neptunian} Characters.
You can then use the [Activate: Main] effect of "OP11-103 Long Jaw Neptunian" or "OP11-107 Topknot Neptunian" to turn the face-up card at the top of your Life cards face-down again.
This will allow you to activate your Leader effect again on the next turn, letting you play multiple Characters in quick succession to outpace your opponent.
"OP11-108 Neptune" is also a good card to play after using your Leader effect.
Not only does it turn the top card of your Life cards face-down again, but it also lets you cycle your hand, giving you the opportunity to find more {Neptunian} cards.
End Game
If your opponent's field starts catching up to yours, play some high-cost Characters to fend off any counterattacks.
Use "OP11-031 Jinbe" to K.O. mid-cost Characters and "ST16-004 Shanks" to K.O. high-cost Characters. Then, use your remaining DON!! cards to play more {Neptunian} Characters and solidify your advantage.
"OP11-028 Lord of the Coast" has an [On Play] effect that can keep even high-cost Characters rested until the next turn—an effect that truly shines in the endgame.
Even if your opponent plays a 10-cost card with [Rush] or [Blocker], forcing it to remain rested for a turn should significantly shake up their plans.