This mono-green "Jinbe" deck is built around protecting {Fish-Man} and {Merfolk} type Characters. Use your Leader effect to safeguard your Characters while setting up Counter Events to establish a solid defense, then take advantage of {Fish-Man} Characters that excel at maintaining an advantage on the field to steadily push toward victory.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This deck is built around "OP11-021 Jinbe", whose [End of Your Turn] effect allows you to set 1 of your DON!! cards and 1 of your {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Characters to active, giving it excellent defensive capabilities.
Start by using "OP11-030 Shirahoshi" to build up your hand while utilizing your Leader effect to set it back to active, protecting it from your opponent's attacks.
Although using "OP11-030 Shirahoshi" each turn is an effective way to build up your hand, your Leader effect can only be activated if you have 6 or less cards in your hand.
Use the DON!! cards set to active by your Leader effect to play 1-cost Counter Events such as "OP11-039 Vagabond Drill" and efficiently cycle through them in the early game.
Mid Game
Once you have enough DON!! cards, play powerful {Fish-Man} Characters that can rest your opponent's Characters before going on the offensive.
"OP11-031 Jinbe" has a potent [Activate: Main] effect that allows Characters to attack Characters on the turn in which they are played.
If it remains on the field, you can continue launching quick attacks with any {Fish-Man} and {Merfolk} Characters you play afterward.
"OP11-035 Fisher Tiger" and "OP11-024 Aladine" both allow you to deploy Characters from your hand when K.O.'d by your opponent's effect in exchange for resting 1 DON!! card.
If you can keep 1 DON!! card available by using your Leader effect to keep setting it back to active, you'll be able to protect your attackers from both battle and effect-based removal.
End Game
After you've pressured your opponent with steady attacks from your {Fish-Man} Characters, they will likely rely on [Blocker] cards to prevent their hand and Life cards from being whittled down further.
Use "OP06-035 Hody Jones" and "OP11-038 Gum-Gum Elephant Gatling" to rest any [Blocker] cards in your way and make a final push for victory.
"OP11-038 Gum-Gum Elephant Gatling" is an invaluable Event for both offense and defense, featuring a [Main] effect that rests cards and a [Counter] effect that gives your Leader +3000 power.
Together with "OP11-033 Bird Neptunian"—a 7000-power heavy hitter that also has a +2000 Counter—they can both be powerful Counters, but just make sure you don't lose your means of attack!