RECOMMENDED DECKS(Red/Purple) Monkey.D.Luffy
A deck with DON!! Card accelerators and super high-cost cards to utilize the Leader effect of "Monkey.D.Luffy."
If you play large Characters faster than other decks can, you'll be able to exert control with showy effects and intense power. Although the starting Life is low at 3, you can use the Leader's 6000 power and the strong Counter Events of red and purple to fend off attacks.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
To make use of the Leader effect, you'll need to focus on getting 8 DON!! Cards.
The fact that the Leader's 3 Life lets you use the effect of "OP05-067 Zoro-Juurou" from the get-go
is a major benefit.
To utilize "Zoro-Juurou" on turn 2, you'll want to gather "OP05-076 When You're at Sea You Fight against Pirates!!" and "OP01-016 Nami" early in the game.
If you don't need "Zoro-Juurou," you could instead look for the defensive "OP01-029 Radical Beam!!" or the various finishing "Monkey.D.Luffy."
Mid Game
If you can speed up your DON!! cards in the early game, you'll be able to play a 6 to 7 cost Character on turn 3, and a 9 to 10 cost Character on turn 4.
Using your Leader to power up "ST10-013 Eustass"Captain"Kid" and "OP02-004 Edward.Newgate" will let you overwhelm your opponent in both offense and defense.
When facing an aggressive deck, you'll want to begin focusing on surviving opponent turns.
The active DON!! Cards added with the Leader effect can be left for a Counter Event while skillfully using high-cost cards.
End Game
If you can start your turn with 10 DON!! Cards, it's a chance to gain an extra turn using "OP05-119 Monkey.D.Luffy" !!
Even after you lose your DON!! Cards to "DON!! -10," you can use the [Activate: Main] effects of your Leader and Characters to return 2 before taking your extra turn.
The cost 10 "Monkey.D.Luffy" are high-speed attacking finishers in both red and purple.
Keep an eye on both players' Life, whether your opponent has Blockers, and your number of Characters
to battle fluidly as needed.