RECOMMENDED DECKS(Green/Blue) Donquixote Rosinante
A defense deck seeking to make the most of the Leader effect's Blocker, and use the powerful cost 8 Eustass"Captain"Kid. It uses two kinds of low-cost card searches, assembling the strong hand and solidifying the field with Blocker.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
"OP05-022 Donquixote Rosinante" is a Leader card with [Blocker]. This means that if it's active, during the opponent's turn it can redirect attacks to itself.
It can be used to project soft Characters like "ST02-007 Jewelry Bonney" and "OP05-034 Baby 5," assembling a hand to fight with rich resources.
However, if you have 7 or more cards in your hand, it won't become active in the End Phase, so you need to be careful if you wish to use Blocker with a large hand.
This deck's finisher is the cost 8 "OP01-051 Eustass"Captain"Kid." The more cards in your hand, the stronger it can be used, So in the early game you'll want to use your Leader effect to protect your Characters and add Life to your hand, preparing for later.
Mid Game
Prepare the field for the late game.
With "ST03-009 Donquixote Doflamingo" and "OP03-122 Sogeking" returning opponent Characters to their hand upon play, and "OP04-056 Gum-Gum Red Roc" to send a large Character to the bottom of your opponent's deck, you can neutralize threats early on.
It isn't necessary to gather as many Blockers as would be needed to use "OP01-051 Eustass"Captain"Kid" in other decks. If you have even 1 Life left, your Leader's [Blocker] can protect Kid from attacks. By instead putting an emphasis on controlling the field, you should be able to stay on top.
End Game
Play the finisher "OP01-051 Eustass"Captain"Kid." His [Activate: Main] effect can be used to play Blockers, creating a wall along with the Leader effect. If you use Kid's effect to play "OP05-030 Donquixote Rosinante," you can defend Kid from cards that pass Blockers to go for K.O.'s, enhancing stability.
If you have "OP01-051 Eustass"Captain"Kid" in play, you can make continued use of strong card effects like the one on "OP04-024 Sugar." Hold your defense and aim for a reversal.