With the Leader effect that rests low-cost Characters every turn, you can easily control the gameflow early on.
When paired with black cards to reduce Cost and green cards to K.O. Characters, very efficient removal can be achieved.
Once you have the field, use your advantage to play high-cost Characters and put on the pressure.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The Leader effect of "OP06-021 Perona" works well at removing small and middle Characters. Resting and attacking with the Leader is powerful,
but if you use an effect to K.O. rested characters, it reaches its true power. Try to seek out cards with K.O. effects like "OP06-036 Ryuma" and "OP01-054 X.Drake" in your starting hand. "OP01-054 X.Drake" can be gained using "OP03-089 Brannew."
Since you can take out the opponent's small characters, they'll have trouble draling with "ST08-002 Uta."
If you use K.O. effects along with her [Activate: Main] cost reducing effect, you can stay in control from the mid-game on.
Mid Game
Work with the Leader effect to remove opposing Characters. It's important to remember that in addition to resting Characters, your Leader effect can reduce Cost by 1.
If you use both the Cost -1 Leader effect along with "OP06-092 Brook" on a Cost 5 Character, you can remove without resting.
Instead of K.O.ing them, Brook places opponent Characters directly in the trash, so your their [On K.O.] effects don't activate. It's extremely useful for strong opponent cards with [On K.O.] effects or K.O.-preventing effects.
End Game
It's time to aim for the finish. Use "OP06-086 Gecko Moria" to greatly expand your field, or go for a win with the intense attack power of "OP06-118 Roronoa Zoro."
Leader effects that rest can be used not just for removal but also to evade blockers, so if you can safely ready your finisher you should have plenty of strength to end the game.
If you use "OP06-086 Gecko Moria," you'll need to make sure that you've gotten the cards you want to play into your trash.
Especially vital are blockers like "OP02-114 Borsalino" and "OP05-030 Donquixote Rosinante," as well as Characters with [On Play] effects like [OP02-106 Tsuru] and [OP03-089 Brannew].
If you don't have these in the trash, you should use counters to intentionally discard them.