Use the Leader effect of Monkey.D.Dragon letting you move added DON!! cards to rapidly use the strengths of your {Revolutionary Army} type Characters. In the late game, play characters with [Rush] while moving DON!! cards to effectively decrease the opponent's Life using this aggressive deck.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This "OP07-001 Monkey.D.Dragon" deck lets you repeatedly give your Characters DON!! cards.
To utilize the Leader effect, you'll first need to get your Characters into play.
"OP05-004 Emporio Ivankov" lets you play Characters, or you can search for them with "OP05-015 Belo Betty" to gather your early hand.
If you have plenty of DON!! Cards, you should play the 2-cost "OP01-024 Monkey.D.Luffy" and "OP01-013 Sanji."
With the effect to add rested DON!! cards, you'll be able to make much greater use of your Leader effect from the midgame on.
Mid Game
Most {Revolutionary Army} Characters can use their effects after gaining 2 DON!! cards.
You can move the DON!! cards with your Leader effect, activating several Characters in the same turn.
The character-playing effect of "OP05-004 Emporio Ivankov" and K.O. effect "OP05-017 Lindbergh" are ideal for putting multiple Characters to good use.
Effects activated by DON!! Cards can be mixed into powerful combos.
"EB01-006 Tony Tony Chopper" lowers opposing Character power, then moving DON!! cards to "OP05-017 Lindbergh" lets you K.O. 6000-power Characters.
End Game
The Leader effect moving DON!! cards can naturally be used to greatly boost your finishing strength.
If you use leftover {Revolutionary Army} Characters like "OP05-005 Karasu" with [Rush] on cards like "OP07-015 Monkey.D.Dragon," you can lead an all-out attack.
The blocker-ignoring effect of "ST01-012 Monkey.D.Luffy" can be used to great effect with this Leader.
Aim to reduce the opponent's Life to 0 without revealing your intent, then take them off guard with a final strike.