RECOMMENDED DECKS(Green) Jewelry Bonney
A deck focusing on defense with the powerful Leader Jewelry Bonney letting you reduce the opponent's attacks once. To make effective use of this Leader effect, change your DON!! cards to active with {Supernovas} type cards, then build into a high-cost finisher.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This Jewelry Bonney deck brings together the {Supernovas} and {Donquixote Pirates} types, and contains the card search methods from each.
{Supernovas} can be used mainly to get mid-game cards, while {Donquixote Pirates} aims at endgame cards. Look for what you need to add to your hand.
Characters setting DON!! cards to active at the end of your turn have excellent synergy with the Leader effect of "OP07-019 Jewelry Bonney."
By playing cards like "OP07-021 Urouge" and "OP04-029 Dellinger," you'll have an easier time with DON!! cards from the mid-game on.
Mid Game
If your opponent has Characters on the field, play while intending to use your Leader effect during their next turn.
You can decrease their number of attacks, and also gain an edge with resources by attacking the rested Character in the next turn.
Playing cards such as "OP07-021 Urouge" and "EB01-012 Cavendish," you'll easily end your turn with DON!! cards available.
"OP07-029 Basil Hawkins" is a strong card that's resilient to removal.
It has [Blocker], so you'll want to keep it active, but you can also go on the attack if the situation permits.
End Game
After using your Leader's defense to buy time, play high-cost finishers.
Use your resting effects to delay attacks from your opponent's large characters each turn, letting you be the only one to attack.
In addition to the imposing "OP04-031Donquixote Doflamingo," using the [On Play] effect of "OP04-119 Donquixote Rosinante" to play "OP07-026 Jewelry Bonney" will let you show your power while inhibiting the opponent's plays.
"OP04-031 Donquixote Doflamingo" has a cost of 10. To use your Leader effect on the turn where it's played, you'll need something like "OP07-021 Urouge" or "EB01-012 Cavendish." By the turn before, make sure you have a method to switch the DON!! cards to active.