RECOMMENDED DECKS(Yellow) Eustass"Captain"Kid
This mono-yellow "Eustass"Captain"Kid" deck features powerful {Supernovas} Characters with excellent offensive and defensive capabilities. Its Leader effect can return your Characters to active while granting them [Blocker], creating an ironclad defense to protect both Characters and Life cards. This will benefit you in the endgame, where you can use powerful Characters that gain a direct advantage from the number of Life cards you have remaining—a specialty of yellow decks—to launch decisive attacks.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The [End of Turn] effect of OP10-099 "Eustass"Captain"Kid" sets your medium-cost {Supernovas} Characters as active while also giving them [Blocker].
Start by playing {Supernovas} Characters with powerful [On K.O.] effects, such as "OP10-106 Killer" and "OP10-109 Basil Hawkins".
Your Leader effect can also give [Blocker] to Characters that are already active.
Playing "OP10-109 Basil Hawkins" and immediately giving it [Blocker] can pose a significant threat to opponents early on, especially those using multicolored Leaders with low Life cards.
Mid Game
Deploy your 5-6 cost {Supernovas} Characters to serve as powerful attackers.
"OP10-101 Urouge" and "OP10-105 Cavendish" have no effects, but boast high power. You can also use your Leader effect to both set them back to active after they attack and turn them into powerful [Blocker] cards.
To use your Leader effect, you have to turn the card at the top of your Life cards face-up.
If it's already face-up, you can use "OP06-106 Kouzuki Hiyori" to swap it with a face-down card while also setting up a [Trigger] card.
End Game
With an array of powerful {Supernovas} Characters, you can secure a clear path to victory.
Use the [On Play] effects "OP10-112 Eustass"Captain"Kid" and "OP10-119 Trafalgar Law" to manipulate your and your opponent's Life cards and gain the upper hand.
You can also use your Leader effect to turn either of them into a 9000 power [Blocker] card, leaving no room for your opponent to launch a counterattack.
Both "OP10-119 Trafalgar Law" and "OP07-119 Portgas.D.Ace" have effects that allow you to add 1 card face-down to your Life cards.
Although they are not {Supernovas} Characters, they're a perfect match for this Leader and its ability to make use of face-down Life cards.