This deck's Leader, "Usopp", excels at protecting {Dressrosa} cards with two key abilities: drawing 1 card when a {Dressrosa} card is removed from the field and increasing the cost of your {Dressrosa} cards. Use the powerful [Blocker] effects of your blue/black {Dressrosa} cards to defend against your opponent's attacks while also reinforcing your defense with your ability to draw additional cards.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
While "OP10-057 Leo" and "OP10-095 Roronoa Zoro" have powerful effects, they require you to rest your Leader or Stage card.
However, as this deck is built for long battles, resting your Leader in the early game is not a major concern. Be proactive in using them as you set up for the rest of the game.
Aim to get "OP04-096 Corrida Coliseum" early on, so you can start attacking with your Leader in the midgame.
Once you have it, use your {Dressrosa} Characters to launch a strong offensive against your opponent's Characters.
Mid Game
There are many excellent [Blocker] {Dressrosa} Characters, both old and new.
"OP10-090 Franky" is difficult to K.O. through standard means, and "OP04-083 Sabo" helps regulate your hand while protecting allies, making both ideal for setting up setting up powerful combos for the endgame.
The [Opponent's Turn] effect of Leader "Usopp" allows drawing cards both when your {Dressrosa} type Characters are removed from the field by your opponent's effects and when they are K.O.'d.
By making use of Counter effects and activating [Blocker] when your hand starts getting low, you should be able to maintain a stable level of both your Life cards and hand.。
End Game
Once you've assembled the necessary cards in your hand, it's time to unleash a powerful combo with "OP-10-058 Rebecca".
Quickly turn the tables on your opponent by playing both "OP10-046 Kyros," which returns a Character with a cost of 5 or less to the owner's hand, and another Character with a cost of 4 or less rested.
If "OP04-096 Corrida Coliseum" is already in play, cards played as active using the effect of "OP10-058 Rebecca", such as "OP10-046 Kyros", can attack immediately.
From there, K.O. your opponent's attackers while returning any [Blocker] cards that might obstruct you to their hand, establishing a strong advantage.