RECOMMENDED DECKS(Blue/Purple) Monkey.D.Luffy
A deck featuring the new blue/purple Leader "Monkey.D.Luffy". Starting your turn with 8 DON!! cards enables you to use your Leader effect to manipulate your deck and draw additional cards, setting up powerful combos that let you play multiple high-cost Characters. Combine this with your 6000 power Leader to launch a relentless assault on your opponent!

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This deck's Leader, "OP11-040 Monkey.D.Luffy", has an effect that can be activated when you have 8 or more DON!! cards at the start of your turn. Start out by looking to increase your DON!! cards to 8 by using "OP05-067 Zoro-Juurou" and "OP11-080 Gear Two".
"OP11-080 Gear Two" is a powerful Event that synergizes with blue/purple Luffy, featuring a [Main] effect that increases your DON!! cards and a [Counter] effect that protects your Leader.
After ramping up your DON!! cards, be sure to use its [Counter] effect to defend your Leader, who only has 3 Life cards.
Mid Game
You have several powerful Characters that help stabilize your field and build up your DON!! cards as you work toward 8 DON!! cards.
Use cards such as "EB01-061 Mr.2.Bon.Kurei(Bentham)" to help ramp up your DON!! cards further, while using cards such as "OP11-051 Sanji" to buy yourself time.
"OP11-054 Nami" is a powerful [Blocker] that lets you quickly switch out your hand.
It also helps you set up for "OP06-119 Sanji" by placing a high-cost Character you want to play on the top of your deck.
End Game
Once you have 10 DON!! cards, it's time to unleash a massive combo with "OP06-119 Sanji"!
Use your Leader effect to stack high-cost Characters such as "OP11-118 Monkey.D.Luffy" on the top of your deck, then play Sanji and use his effect to bring out two heavy-hitting Characters at once.
Your Leader effect activates at the start of your turn, before you draw a card or add DON!! cards from your DON!! deck.
When adding "OP06-119 Sanji" to your hand from the top 5 cards of your deck, pay attention to the order you return the remaining 4 cards. You'll want to place them back in the following order from the top: the card you want to draw → the card you want to play with Sanji's effect → any other cards.