RECOMMENDED DECKS(Red/Yellow) Belo Betty
The Revolutionary Army goes on the warpath.
This aggro deck increases power by a potential total of +9000.
Many of the Revolutionary Army characters activate effects when their power is boosted, letting them chain together for turns with explosive offense.

Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The Leader effect lets you buff as many as 3 of your Characters, putting an emphasis on playing them.
Even the cost 1 "OP05-015 Belo Betty" can be used as an attacker later, so you should try to play it.
You ought to use the search ability of "OP05-015 Belo Betty" to get "OP05-004 Emporio.Ivankov." It's a strong card that helps play other cards for low DON!!
Playing characters using [Trigger] is another of the deck's strengths.
In the early game, take attacks with your Life to play Characters swiftly.
Mid Game
The [Activate:Main] effect of "OP05-004 Emporio.Ivankov" lets you play Characters while attacking.
"OP05-005 Katrasu" is an especially effective card to play. When multiple Characters can put pressure on the opponent,
they'll have a hard time dealing with all of them at once.
Opponents who have guarded their Life against a final rush are susceptible to the K.O. effect of "OP05-102 Gedatsu."
When removal of cards in play comes through against opponents who have lost their hand with Counters, you'll secure an advantageous position.
End Game
Activate the Leader effect to go on the attack.
Having to discard your hand limits sutainability, but the onslaught of strengthened attacks will tear down your opponent's life.
By using "OP05-005 Karasu" to reduce the opponent Leader's power by -1000, you can speed towards the win.
Your Leader tends to bring about a low hand and Life, so be cautious that you opponent can't attack hard enough to finish you.
"OP05-018 Emporio Energy Hormone" lets you defend your life while readying attackers for the next turn.