A life-manipulating deck of strong cards that commands both offense and defense!
Centered on cards with the <Sky Island> type, the deck makes great use of yellow's Life-based capabilities. Although its 4 starting life is low for a yellow monocolor deck, the Leader effect more than covers for it with its defense. Use the edge from cards that are powered up at low Life to take down your opponent.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
From early-game removal to counters and finishers, almost all the cards in the deck carry the <Sky Island> type.
"OP05-106 Shura" and "OP05-117 Upper Yard" both have card-searching abilities to gather what your hand may lack.
The Leader effect of "OP05-098 Enel" boasts unrivaled defense. Rather than unnecessarily defending early in the game, you should use Triggers from your Life. In particular "OP05-105 Satori" is a powerful Character that has Counter +2000 and can be played with a Trigger. Keep an eye on your hand and look for an opportunity to play it.
Mid Game
The Leader's uniquely low starting Life works to your favor with some cards. "ST07-003 Charlotte Katakuri" and "OP03-108 Charlotte Cracker"
are handy attackers to use from the mid-game.
If you're lucky, "OP05-101 Ohm" will let you play 2 Characters at once, and when your life is low its power is increased to 6000.
Seek to play it along with "OP05-110 Holly" by making use of card search abilities.
End Game
"OP05-098 Enel" lets you nullify 1 attack per turn at the expense of a card from your hand, letting you hang on to your last Life.
If you then use "OP05-115 Two-Hundred Million Volts Amaru," you can rest an opponent's blocker and let loose with a powerful attack.
The Leader's life recovery effect can be used during the opponent's turn even when Life is lost in ways other than damage.
By combining it with the [Once Per Turn] effect of "OP05-100 Enel," it becomes a mighty [Rush] attacker that can evade any removal by discarding a card from the hand.
Be aware that it's at a natural disadvantage against Monkey.D.Luffy!