A {Sky Island} deck that expends Life to go on the attack.
The Leader Kalgara has a powerful ability to play Characters in exchange for Life. While making use of mighty power quickly in the game, this aggressive deck also utilizes yellow's endurance.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The Leader Kalgara has an effect letting you search for Characteers with the {Shandian Warrior} type.
"OP05-117 Upper Yard" has especially good synergy with other cards, so make active use of it.
In particular, the high-power "OP06-114 Wyper" and "OP08-099 Kalgara" are high-priority.
Even if you can protect your Life, the Leader effect will whittle it down.
Go ahead and take damage, and play Blockers.
"EB01-057 Shirahoshi" has defense against removal, so it's a reliable Blocker for early in the game.
Mid Game
When you've built up your DON!! cards, it's time to use the Leader effect.
You can rapidly bring out large characters like "OP06-114 Wyper" and "OP08-099 Kalgara."
"OP06-114 Wyper" can activate an [On Play] effect if you have "OP05-117 Upper Yard," but its 7000 power is also very high for 5 cost.
Even without Upper Yard, you should use your Leader effect to play aggressively.
End Game
Between the opponent's attacks and your Leader effect, your Life will decrease rapidly. You can make use of "OP08-109 Mont Blanc Noland"'s restoration and counters from your hand to keep from being defeated. Use "OP05-115 Two-Hundred Million Volts Amaru" with the powerful Characters you've played using your Life to push through.
"OP06-113 Raki" has the {Shandian Warrior} type, so it can be played with the Leader effect.
You can play this Character instead of powerful ones in the endgame when you have low Life, avoiding the opponent's attack for 1 turn to achieve victory.